People often tend to promise those dreams that they quit the very day they set the target. So, read this till the end to really get motivated for long time and achieve the things you desire. I had a very bad habit of watching motivational videos and reading some quotes and think i am fully motivated and as of always the same thing repeats. I used to scroll through social media and I would fail to complete the goals i wish. Motivation is something which can give you some support if you are distracted but the main thing which is really important is the Mindset . Just close your eyes and think you have completed the dreams you actually wanted the moment. Just thinking makes it so happy and motivating.There are few thing that distracts you from your goals . Quick Sucess There is no any trick that can make you achieve anything in short period of time. A very good example for this is Body Building . If you want a good Six Pack Body how much time does it require? -Atleast 5-...