People often tend to promise those dreams that they quit the very day they set the target. So, read this till the end to really get motivated for long time and achieve the things you desire. I had a very bad habit of watching motivational videos and reading some quotes and think i am fully motivated and as of always the same thing repeats. I used to scroll through social media and I would fail to complete the goals i wish. Motivation is something which can give you some support if you are distracted but the main thing which is really important is the Mindset.
Just close your eyes and think you have completed the dreams you actually wanted the moment. Just thinking makes it so happy and motivating.There are few thing that distracts you from your goals
.Quick Sucess
There is no any trick that can make you achieve anything in short period of time. A very good example for this is Body Building.
If you want a good Six Pack Body how much time does it require?
-Atleast 5-7 months.
Can you make a six pack in a Day?
-Absoulutely No.
So, how can you even think yo goals can take smaller time than Six Pack.
.Social Media
We can't deny the fact that Social Media has made very easy for grabbing information, knowledge, reaching out people and you can't deny that it also has made your life harder than before. I used to scroll all day long on my phone and used to watch videos, and scroll on the internet all day. It was not much i realised Why am I doing this? What have i even learned? Did it help me Achieve my goals?
Then i realised that the whole time I was just wasting my time and I destroyed my years scrolling.
I have a very ver good real example for this.
I had my final exams comming near and I was watching ...(let's not point out something(videos) I used to watch them and i never thought i had my studies left and I had not touched them since the begining. And you can guess what hapenned afterwards I failed. I was the only student who failed and I had to stay in the same class.
.Your dream's my achievement
My friend said he want to travel to different countries do exciting things and enjoy his life but the only thing he used to do was sleep in the class. He never studied and never learned a thing in his life. Now it's hard for him to even take a cab.
You also can have similar friend and the one who really works for those goals. Dreaming for goals is good but doing nothing for it is very bad. Work for it to make it happen.
Everyone has their idol who they idiolize in their life. Whom they learn and ges motivated seeing them achieve and do something. Many idiolize many great people whom they learn and want to reach sucess they have achieved. Idiolizing someone can keep you motivated when you think about them.
So, you must need to be motivated to achieve your goals and you will achieve them if you keep working for it.
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